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If I can't be a doctor, I want to be an actress leh. :/ Sigh

I mean, it looks damn fun. Every project is different. The lines are different. The characters are different. It's not some old boring office job. I get tired of things really easily. Which is why I suck at everything. Because I have to go through the boring practice again and again before I'm good at something. Say playing piano.

I just watched Ray Chen's video clips on his Facebook. Googled him. He's only 26 and his performances are jaw dropping. And it's not easy to impress me. I kept saying "oh my god oh my god" when I was watching the videos. He was awarded his Licentiate Diploma of Music with distinction by the AMEB at age 11. And his comedic videos are honestly not bad. Quite funny and relatable to musicians. I'm 20, soon 21, and not even done with my diploma!!!!! D: He started learning violin at 4 and I started learning piano at 9, but still... Sigh. He was invited to play solo with the Queensland Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of 8. Oh my gosh. He has lots of interesting and cute expressions when he's playing haha. Sadly, I missed his performance with SSO last year because I didn't know he was this good back then. :( I should have googled him. Damn. His Mendelssohn Violin Concerto is amazing :') Definitely definitely must go listen to him play next time he's here. I think the tickets are affordable enough for me! :) Probably more worth it than going for KPop concerts.

Gosh I want to learn and try so many things.

I want to learn how to play violin, dizi, guitar and saxophone.
I want to learn Korean, Malay, Teochew and Cantonese.
I want to learn horse riding, archery and martial arts. (out of my love for action movies and period dramas, and because I wanna go backpack travelling someday. I actually think I'm slightly talented at archery haha because I only had the one time lesson in TJ and in KE7 I did pretty well in archery tag because I learnt the right position to do it)
Oh oh, and I want to learn how to play pool.
I want to learn how to sing and act well. I want to act in dramas. (if only I can act with Ji Chang Wook haha but first I've gotta slim down to 48kg... I don't even know if that's skinny enough to be on TV)

still pretending that my bolster is JCW these days lol. and being emotional these days. I can cry really easily while watching dramas, but I don't know if I can cry if I'm required to. Hahaha. Hopefully it does help me cry more easily if I ever act in a drama. For now, I need to really scrunch up my face to make myself cry. Can't do those silent tear drops haha.

Just watched a video that I have watched before. I think it's trying to advertise DDP Yoga, but it was moving, all the same. The man in the video injured his back and knees from being a paratrooper. Doctors told him he wouldn't be able to walk without crutches. So he gave up and gained a lot of weight and a huge belly. He started doing yoga and he never gave up even when he fell a lot. It was hard for him to stabilise himself. He fell over and over. But he just tried again and again. He lost the belly, the extra pounds and now he can walk and run. Yeah I want to try yoga too. Hehe. The point is he's an inspiration, and I have wasted most of my e-learning week so I should do some work now.


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