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你在囧什么?, SDZ Waves 19

So one day I saw the TV ad about 你在什么?recruiting new students so I emailed them then they asked me to go for an interview at Bugis Plus/Iluma on 5 April (Sat). The interview was held right at the entrance zomg. So open air. Had to wait for a bit before it was my turn. Basically I just filled in a questionnaire which asked about my experiences then the lady just asked me to explain more based on what I wrote.

Then after a long period of time, I received an email asking me to do this:


which I only answered 2 or 3 questions because I don't have many 'interesting' experiences (thankfully).

After that, they emailed me to ask me to go to Cineleisure's KBOX suite for a briefing. Apparently, 大顺姐 (I don't even know what's her position haha probably producer) said that this is the last season of Jiong because Channel U's target audience has been youths but nowadays youths don't really watch TV anymore. They watch stuff online. And we shouldn't wear black, white and stuff with small polka dots or thin and close together stripes because the background is probably black and white and the stripes and dots will appear to 'jump/move' on TV. Then we filled in this form to indicate the timings we are available.

Then I received an email to ask me to go for a recording!
录影地点Studio Point
                    158 Kallang Way #01-519
                    Safekeep Building
                    Spore 349245 

When I entered the studio, it was the waiting room for students. I reached pretty early, and the previous session hadn't ended yet. Then the next room was the waiting room for the artistes! The room linked to the set where the show would be recorded. I saw Jeffrey Xu waiting for his turn, but I was too shy to ask him for a photo although many others did. Haha. Then after that, the previous session ended, so Lee Teng and Chan Ning came out too.

I think it took around 4 hours to complete the recording. I didn't answer many questions because thankfully my relationship with my family wasn't as 'exciting' and 'interesting' as my fellow Jiong mates. I thought that my relationship with my parents wasn't that good already, but apparently others were much worse. There were people who only eat with their parents once a year on CNY's eve for reunion dinner. There were some who haven't been doing that for a few years. I noticed that the show was not recorded entirely chronologically. We had to do this stupid opening hand dance. During the recording, 大顺姐 was always writing stuff on the whiteboard for the hosts to refer to, e.g. who to ask to elaborate on their answers next. We recorded the episode, but when we filmed the ending, that wasn't all. 大顺姐 added two more questions to be asked. I was rather shy throughout the whole day.

After the shooting ended, time for photos! Jeffrey Xu left before I got enough courage to ask him haha. Never mind. I took photos with Lee Teng, 大顺姐 and Chan Ning! Yay. They were all really friendly. I noticed that Lee Teng offers to help take the selfie because he's usually the taller person with longer arms. 大顺姐 commented that I was very quiet during the recording. I told her it was probably because I don't have many problems in my family, so no juicy stories to tell.

I joined a lot of CCAs in KE7 hall. I signed up for the auditions for almost everything. I thought it would be good to go for more auditions than I required, because I thought I might not pass all of them. (I failed Dance audition and Block Comm interview) So I went for all those auditions. I ended up passing all of them. So now I have 8 CCAs: swimming, ensemble, vision, band, soccer, squash, XQRJ and hall play costumes.

It might be a good thing to be interested in learning many things, but the lesson I've learnt from this is you really really REALLY have to decide which CCAs you are MOST interested in. If not you'll just regret, like me. And then you'll have to pon sometimes, or even quit. It becomes harder to tell the CCA heads your decision as it drags on.
Right now, I'm so sian of CCAs and hall. But good experience though. I would recommend freshies to go experience hall for a year. I still can't cook, but for the first time in my life, I did my own laundry for 4 months. There's no parents there to tell me to go shower, go eat, wake up. But I still don't think I've grown up. I didn't realise I was such a homey person. I didn't miss home when I went on that two week immersion trip to China in secondary school. But for the last few weeks of Sem 1, I only returned to school on Monday mornings because I didn't want to leave home on Sunday nights.

YES 93.3FM
Since I'm in the Public Relations committee in XQRJ, I had a chance to go to YES 93.3FM radio station in Mediacorp to accompany last year's finalists to do an interview with Chan Ning to promote XQRJ! It was an awesome experience because I got to see how a DJ works. She needed to have the list of songs going, briefed us what was going to happen next while a song is playing. What was most memorable was I learned that those little games where audience can win prizes are pre-recorded then aired. I've always thought that those were live! I should have realised it couldn't be live because they need to ask for contact information which couldn't be aired. I showed her the photo of Chan Ning and I from Jiong from four days before. She told me that she felt that some of the students were a bit 身在福中不知福. I agree with her. I fb messaged her at night and she told me that not all calls are pre-recorded! Dedications and some games are live. I really admire her for having the perseverance to go through 3 packed days of school and still work 9pm to 1am. She claimed to be like me, the type of people that (or do i use "who" here?) is tired even when they sleep a lot. 佩服佩服

I performed with Ensemble and Band! So proud of my band and myself. I don't know why. Maybe it's because we faced many changes along the way but our performance was not bad! Hahaha. At first, we decided on the song Jenny by the Click Five. but the Jean guy only showed up for the first practice and kept giving us the excuse that he doesn't know the score or something like that. So we kind of just ignored him and asked Han Hui Zhen to help us play the guitar. Then, our dear drummer Nicholas fractured his ankle during his touch rugby training. Poor him. Shawn said acoustic Jenny sounds horrible. Then somehow our band members added Shervin and Evan in, and the song of choice became Pompeii! I must really thank Sarah and Gareth for teaching me keyboard. Because I suck at playing by ear y'know. Anyway, I felt proud of my band so I went and bought 5 roses from the D&D committee for $10. One for each member :) except me. Thanks Shawn for being so entertaining, Evan for being patient with me and teaching me, Tzu Yee for being patient too, Shervin and Ian. Yay! A pity I couldn't hand Evan the rose myself, because he ran off to celebrate his gf's birthday after the performance. meh.

Strictly Dance Zone (SDZ) Waves 19 performance!

Went to support Zhen Hong with my godfamily. He was wearing this weird red and black striped costume that looks like a worm. Proud of my bboy brother. Haha.

SDZ Waves 19 is the most entertaining dance performance I've ever seen. :) I thought it would be cliche because y'know it's Frozen AGAIN. Frozen is everywhere. (I've watched the movie and I think it's pleasant but overrated.) But I was wrong! The performance was presented like a story. Which. Is. AWESOME. All other dance performances I've watched are just dance items by themselves. This is the first time dance items were woven into a story! And the story explains how the situation became like that in Frozen, meaning they added a prequel to the Frozen story. There are lots of lame jokes especially at the start where Anna and Kristoff are talking. Lots of dancers too, makes it really grand during the battle scenes.

I have to mention the background multimedia makes it even more amazing. The screen is split into left, back and right. Whenever the location changes, the background changes. And it moves! E.g. during battle scenes, the screen shows dancing flames, yeah.

Mama told me the previous two years' concerts were even better. Makes me want to watch SDZ every year :)

Watch the full concert here :)


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