囧五班! So one day I saw the TV ad about 你在 囧 什么?recruiting new students so I emailed them then they asked me to go for an interview at Bugis Plus/Iluma on 5 April (Sat). The interview was held right at the entrance zomg. So open air. Had to wait for a bit before it was my turn. Basically I just filled in a questionnaire which asked about my experiences then the lady just asked me to explain more based on what I wrote. Then after a long period of time, I received an email asking me to do this: 同学, 你好。 - 曾经步入歧途,然后改过自新 - 父母有外遇的问题 - 遭遇家庭暴力问题或被交往对象以暴力对待 - 还在求学或年纪轻轻就结婚 《你在囧什么》节目正在寻找有以下经历 / 故事的学生参与录影: - 曾经或在跟非华族 / 不同国籍、或学历 / 年龄 / 身高差别大的人交往 - 已经决定去整容或已经接受整容 - 父母是虎爸虎妈 - 生活白痴 - 你曾经上网学习什么稀奇古怪的东西? - 上网交友的有趣 / 可怕 / 难忘的经历 如果你本身或你的同学 / 朋友等有这些经历,并且愿意上节目分享,请来信告诉我们。 电邮中请说明你的经历 / 遭遇。如果是你的同学 / 朋友 / 亲戚 / 兄弟姐妹,请他们直接电邮我们。 谢谢。 which I only answered 2 or 3 questions because I don't have many 'interesting' experiences (thankfully). After that, they ...