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According to the LHT dictionary, the definition of kids is: those who make annoyingly disturbing noises during a concert.

Annyeong haseyo! (Walau, this word has been stuck in my head for a few days)

Today, I went to "The Joy of Music Making" (A Piano Concert for the Young at Heart) presented by La Petite Touche Ensemble. And on the programme booklet, we see an image of Farmville, an app on FB (what the...?) Haha, the piano teacher, also founder of LPTE, Mr Wong is hooked up to Farmville. This is really LOL.

Hereby, I proclaim my love for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Frederic Chopin. Okay, more like I proclaim my love for their compositions. Chopin: Nocturne in Eb major Opus 9 No.2! <3 (Note: Chopin is pronounced as sho-pun, not cho-pin)

And HEY! The shiny girl (what's her name?) played "The Flight of the Bumblebee"! ;D Shan complained of hunger, and we stopped at Burger King to have our dinner. For the first time, I'm really sick of fries. SICK OF FRIED FOOD. This is really shocking. I actually spent approx 40min eating a fish burger, fries and milo. I don't think I can eat another fast food meal for a month. D;

OMG. I made a huge discovery today! Shan and I went into this Korean shop and I saw TOP, G-Drag and Dae Sung's faces on drink cans! But sth was puzzling. WHY NO SEUNG RI CANS? Ah, the only possible reason is that he's too popular and the Seung Ri and Tae Yang cans were sold out. (hope that I didn't recognize the wrong people)


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