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Showing posts from November, 2015


刚看完了《偏偏喜欢你》。很好看。可是我觉得最后钱宝宝的失忆没有必要。刚开始是因为看了少年神探狄仁杰,然后看了黄宗泽和《偏偏喜欢你》男演员们上的那集《快乐大本营》,发现贾乃亮超级搞笑,而且很帅,就跑去看了《偏偏喜欢你》。越看他越帅,而且戏里某些时候他看起来像黄晓明!最后一集哭死我了。。。我觉得亮亮能演喜剧也能演认真的、崩溃的戏。又去看了亮亮上的那集《我们都爱笑》的镜子屋,笑疯了。神经奶爸这绰号还真准哈哈哈。现在特别喜欢亮亮!没想到他这么快就跟李小璐结婚生女儿了。曾经看过《赤子乘龙》所以认识李小璐。她在里面演的水玲珑很漂亮,所以我记得。我喜欢亮亮的搞笑和神经!!原来在戏中他的神经是做自己呀。我喜欢他的性格。平时超级搞笑,该认真还是认真。值得我学习。我认为我平时就是开太多笑话了,给正经事提想法时也想到冷笑话,所以真正的想法被忽略。 最近发现我其实很想尝试演戏。。。所以看戏时我会把自己想成戏里的角色,跟着做表情。原本以为我挺厉害哭的,但是发现那种静静掉泪的哭法我不太会。我只会把脸扭成一团哭出来的方法哈哈。加油!快点减肥!希望还没有太老。我觉得新加坡当演员虽然不怎么会红到国外,但是好的事演艺圈没那么黑暗,没有太多狗仔队和八卦新闻。我看到大多数给本地艺人留言的都是鼓励、正面的。希望有一天大家都可以认得我。现在我是在做梦。但是如果真的可以做个知名演员,我会像亮亮这样,把自己真实的神经、不正常的性格表现出来,哄大家笑。嘻嘻。


Awesome drama, although it didn't mention 沛沛 and 書書's blood or organ compatibility. Last ep is especially touching. Cried like mad. This drama is rare in that the ghost theme is really interesting. 沛沛 and 書書's bromance is the highlight of the show, and is much stronger than the love between the boys and the girl. This is also why I think the title 我的鬼基友 is more appropriate than the alternate title 我的灵界男友. Initially watched this because of Jasper Liu, but this drama gave me a pleasant surprise :)

少年神探狄仁杰 Young Sherlock, May Who?

17-11-2015 Watched May Who? at GV Bishan with Jasmine and Shermaine. IT'S REALLY FUNNY! I liked it. :) GTH movies never disappoint me. I now have the urge to take Thai 2 next sem. 18-11-2015 Just finished watching this drama. I really love 狄仁杰、王元芳、童梦瑶、狄二宝, but 元芳 and 梦瑶 died in the last ep. It made me cry so much when they died. I really hate 李婉青 for putting their lives in danger!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it was the previous emperor who killed her aunt, and in turn causing her mother to plan revenge. It wasn't even the current emperor, and she had to get so hung up on revenge at the most crucial time. Wts! She totally let the other people down. In the end, she went to the temple to settle and become a nun, but she didn't sufficiently learn the essence of Buddhism when she stayed there for so many years previously. She wasn't even born at the time of the incident, so she wouldn't have suffered the direct emotional impact of it. Perhaps it's because she had grown up w...